Best friends are the ones who knows all about you and still love you.
(A legjobb bartok azok, akik mindent tudnak rlad, s mgis szeretnek.)
A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.
(A bart az, aki ismeri a szvedben rejl dallamot, s vissza tudja neked nekelni azt, ha te mr elfelejtetted.)
Friendship is like peeing in your pants: everybody see it but only you can feel it.
(A bartsg olyan, mintha bevizeltl volna: mindenki ltja, de csak te rzed igazn.)
Life without friends is like a quadratic equation - completely pointless!
(Az let bartok nlkl olyan, mint egy msodfok egyenlet - teljesen rtelmetlen!)
I used to be normal until i met those idiots I call my friends!
(Normlis voltam egszen addig, amg nem tallkoztam ezekkel az iditkkal, akiket a bartaimnak hvok!)
A good friend will come bail out of the jail… a true friend will be sitting next to you.
(A j bart garantlja, hogy kihoz a brtnbl… az igazi bart ott fog lni melletted.)
Maybe I'm going to hell, but at least all my friends will be there!
(Lehet, hogy a pokolra kerlk, de legalbb az sszes bartom is ott lesz!)
Friends are those people who ask how you are and then wait to hear your answer.
(A bart az az ember, aki megkrdezi: "Hogy vagy?" aztn arra vr, hogy meghallgassa a vlaszt.)
There are some people who you don't have to talk every day, who listen even when they've heard your story a thousand times, and whether you're dancing like an idiot or laughing til you cry, they'll say: that's my best friend.
(Van nhny olyan ember, akikkel nem kell minden nap beszlned, akik ezredszerre is vgighallgatjk tled ugyanazt a trtnetet, s ha te iditaknt tncolsz, vagy addig nevetsz, amg mr srnod kell, akkor is azt mondjk: igen, a legjobb bartom.)
There's three things in life every girl needs: love - to make hear weak; alcohol - to make her strong; and best friends when both things make her hit the floor.
(Hrom dolog, amire az letben minden lnynak szksge van: szerelem, amitl elgyengl, egy kis pia, amitl erss vlik, s a j bartok, akik ott lesznek, mikor az els kt dolog miatt a padlra kerl.)
Friend: a person who can turn a horrible day into an absolutely perfect one.
(Bart: az az ember, aki egy rettenetes napbl is tkleteset tud varzsolni.)
Arms are for hugging, boys are for kissing, best friends are for when a boy is kissing someone else and you need a hug.
(A karjainkkal lelnk, a srcokat megcskoljuk, de a j bartok azrt vannak, hogy mikor a src mst cskol, legyen, aki megleljen.)